The process of updating your Last Will and Testament (“Will”), should not be an arduous task that ends up being pushed aside due to the anxiety of dealing with this essential document. Estate lawyers with a modernized practice can and should make it as easy as possible to complete an update of a Will, or the completion of your first Will; leaving you feeling comfortable that the process can be completed without stress and in a timely fashion.
Completing a new or updated Will can be as easy as the following 4 steps:
1. Filling out a fillable PDF questionnaire;
2. Reviewing the questionnaire with your assigned estates lawyer;
3. Reviewing the electronic copy of the initial Will draft with your estates lawyer via zoom;
4. Meeting with your estates lawyer to execute your Will after the final draft has been approved.
If your experience in the past has been one where changes have taken too long, or the process of updating or engaging with an estates lawyer has seemed burdensome from the start, this means you should retain someone that takes a no-delay, no-nonsense, and economical approach to getting your estate planning done. Engaging an estate lawyer who has a modernized approach to their practice, then provides you the reassurance that there is in fact easy access to your digital file and therefore updates to your Will can be done with ease, and at a low cost to you. Ensuring that you have this strong foundation with a trusted estates lawyer from the beginning of the process is the key to success.
Further, essential information that you should be aware of regarding the importance of an up-to-date Will can be found by clicking here.
At Family Central Law Office LLP, we would be happy to schedule an initial free telephone consultation regarding the drafting and execution of your Will, Personal Directive and/or Power of Attorney, or update these legal documents so they reflect your intentions now as well articulated estate plans. Kindly contact us today for your free 20-30 minute consultation on your matter by calling our office by calling: 587-392-7970 or emailing info@familycentrallaw.com, or by leaving us a message with your information directly on our consultation page so we can get back to you within 24 hours of contacting us.